Teamwork ~ Leadership ~ Commitment
As yesterday's defenders of freedom, we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.  Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, the war on terrorism or peace-keeping expeditionary campaigns. Your courage and sacrifice have made a difference in preserving and defending world peace.

News & Events

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Membership Details

As yesterday's defenders of freedom...

 ...we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.

WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, War on Global Terror and other Peace-Keeping Expeditionary Campaigns throughout the globe.

Assistance & Benefits

Assistance & Benefits

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is dedicated

 to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country, veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families and continues to be a voice for returning and currently deployed service members and their families.

Post News

Important Info for Post Members

VFW National Home Marks 100 Years of Service

Born from the belief that America needs to care for the children and families of men and women who sacrificed for our country, the VFW National Home is a place of healing, support and refuge.

Military Funeral Tributes to General Valérie André, the First Female General in the French Army

VFW Post 605 was honored to represent American veterans standing together with our French colleagues Union Nationale des Combattants / section d'Issy-les-Moulineaux in the French army’s tribute to a general officer on 27 January 2025 at Les Invalides in Paris.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

2024-2025 Early Bird Award

Congratulations to Post 3885 Erlangen on earning the 2024-2025 Early Bird Legislative Conference Award

Department Convention 2023-2024

Farewell to Commander Mark Primmer and welcome new Commander Dwight Johnson

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Reminds Members to Stay Focused Amid Confusion in the Capital

WASHINGTON - Over the past few weeks, I, like many of you, have been inundated daily with news from our nation's capital about the...

Leading veterans' groups release Independent Budget Recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs



Our mission is very simple.
We foster camaraderie among United States veterans of conflicts overseas, we serve our veterans, the military, and the communities, and we advocate on behalf of all veterans.
We ensure that veterans are respected for their service, receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for their sacrifices that they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country.

Our core values are to put the interests of our members first, to treat donors as partners in our cause.
We promote patriotism, honor military service, and ensure the care of veterans and their families, and serve in our communities.
We always promote a positive image of the VFW and respect the diversity of veteran opinions.


Sponsor - UNC / section d'Issy-les-Moulineaux

For over 25 years, Post 605 has had a home in the Maison des Ancien Combattants, in Issy-les-Moulineaux, thanks to the efforts of our Past Post Commander Alex Tesich.

Inside the Maison, there are several French veteran organisations, of note, the Union Nationale des Combattants, our most important friend and supporter.
The relationship between the UNC and Post 605 has now passed to the next generation, and together we work closely to help strengthen each other, as well as Franco-American friendship – L’amitié Franco Americaine.
In honor of all of the contributions from UNC, Post 605 presented them with a Unit Commendation - the citation reads:

"The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Award of Commendation, is presented to Union Nationale des Combattants / section d'Issy-les-Moulineaux, For Meritorious and Distinguished Service in Furthering the Aims and Ideals of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. 

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and the official seal of the Veterans of Foreign Ward of the United States, this 1st day of April 2023, Mark Primmer, Commander, Timothy Povich, Commander-Elect”